Tianjin, China – April 21, 2022 – Tianjin Era Biology Technology Co., Ltd is please to announce that Era Biology obtained registration certificates for all seven Carbapenem-resistant Detection K-Set in domestic market. Those seven kits are Carbapenem-resistant KPC Detection K-set (Lateral Flow Assay), Carbapenem-resistant NDM Detection K-set (Lateral Flow Assay), Carbapenem-resistant VIM Detection K-set (Lateral Flow Assay), Carbapenem-resistant IMP Detection K-set (Lateral Flow Assay), Carbapenem-resistant OXA-48 Detection K-set (Lateral Flow Assay), Carbapenem-resistant OXA-23 Detection K-set (Lateral Flow Assay) and Carbapenem-resistant K.N.I.O.V Detection K-set (Lateral Flow Assay).

Obtain result within 15 min, 3 days earlier than traditional detection methods
Easy to use, ordinary laboratory staff can operate without training
Intuitive result
There is no need for calculation, visual reading result
Product can be transported and stored at room temperature, reducing costs.
Post time: May-11-2022