Day 3 at ISHAM ---- FACIS Received High Recognition
New Delhi, India – September 22, 2022 – Genobio with Indian local Partner Bio-State is participating 21th congress of the International Society for Human and Animal Mycology (ISHAM). On the third day of ISHAM, Full-Automatic Chemiluminescence Immunoassay System (FACIS) and FungiXpert® received high recognition from local KOL. The symposium about “Importance of Turn around Time in Fungal Diagnostic" discussed what FACIS can do to shorten the turn-around-time for invasive fungal disease diagnostic.

FACIS is world first full-automatic instrument which provide comprehensive diagnostic for invasive fungal disease diagnostic. The instrument is compact and sample pre-treatment system is included. Mono-test design reduce waste of reagents, and fully-automatic operation liberate cilician’s hands. It is significantly reducing the turn-around-time from days to an hour, saving time is saving life!
Learn more about FACIS and FungiXpert® at Booth No.07 ISHAM 2022.

Post time: Sep-23-2022